Celebrating Autism, Culture & Community

Autism Cultural Fayre 2025

Sports Hall, Tooting Leisure Centre, London.

Saturday 5th April 2025.

Welcome to the A2ndvoice Autism Cultural Fayre!

A unique and inclusive event bringing together autistic individuals, families, professionals, and the wider community to celebrate the rich diversity within the autistic community with a strong focus from a cultural perspective, representation, and lived experiences.


APRIL 2025Sports Hall, Tooting Leisure Centre, London

Why This Fayre Matters

Many autistic individuals and their families, especially those from diverse cultural backgrounds, face barriers in accessing support, understanding, and representation. Our mission is to bridge that gap by:

 Showcasing autistic talent across arts, music, business, and advocacy.

 Providing a safe and inclusive space for discussion, networking, and empowerment.

 Highlighting cultural influences in autism awareness and support.

 Connecting families with services, professionals, and community leaders.

What to Expect at the Fayre

 Inspiring speakers & lived experiences

 Workshops on autism & culture

️ Marketplace featuring autistic entrepreneurs

 Live performances & creative arts

️ Cultural food experiences

 Networking & support hubs

BH365 – Celebrating Black History Every Day

Our Autism Cultural Fayre aligns with Black History 365 (BH365) and part of World Autism Acceptance and Awareness Week between 2nd to 8th April, recognising that Black history, culture, and contributions should be acknowledged all year round, not just in October. We uplift voices, break down barriers, and create meaningful change through advocacy, education, and cultural appreciation.