Dr Venessa Swaby

Dr Venessa Swaby

Founder/Director of A2ndvoice CIC

Dr Venessa Swaby formerly known as Venessa Bobb, a mother of three young adults between the ages of 19 – 24 years old. The two youngest have a diagnosis of autism and ADHD. And she is a grandmother to a 7 year old grandson.

She is an autistic public speaker, mentor, author, event planner, content developer and trainer.

She has written for several publications including Autism Eye and Special Needs Jungle and featured in national newspapers and spoken on radio. She has lived experience of culture and ethnicity and breaking down stigma across all sectors.

Founder/Director of A2ndvoice CIC, offers advice, information and support for autistic people and their families.

We raise awareness, acceptance and understanding of different perspectives of autism by hosting parent & carers groups, inclusive under 5s, workshops, holiday programs, 18 plus and 50 plus groups and also highlighting the challenges and differences for those within the African, Caribbean, Asian, and Minority Ethnic Communities (ACAME) and Dual Heritage Communities in tackling the taboos and myths around Autism.

In Covid, Autism Thrive Services (ATS) was set-up which is an organisation offering consultancy, 1-2-1 support, and speaking services and they co-produce and co-deliver programs working in collaboration with local, national and international organisations.

Venessa has spoken widely including at New Scotland Yard, National Autistic Society, PDA Society, AT Autism, Department of Work and Pension, Local Councils, Ministry of Defence, NHS England, Restraints Reduction Network and The Autism Shows.

One of her proud moments….

She was also one of the co-facilitators and content developers for AT-Autism and Anna Freud joined forces to develop a ground-breaking autism Train the Trainer programme commissioned by NHS England.

The National Autism Trainer Programme (NATP) was delivered to 5,200 practitioners and Experts by Experience over two years. The courses were suitable for mental health professionals, across all seven NHS England regions, and other relevant staff, who currently work or may work with diagnosed or undiagnosed autistic people from the following setting:

  • adult and children and young people inpatient mental health settings
  • all age community mental health settings, including CAMHS
  • residential special schools and colleges
  • health and justice settings

Venessa with her team hosts Holiday Programs in Wandsworth and Lambeth borough, included Croydon a year ago. These sessions provide autism focused family programs; she is dedicated to ensuring they are fully inclusive and draws on experiences of the challenges she faced as a young mum not seeing a true reflection of inclusiveness.